Rare Stamps - About Stamp-Investco.com

Colin Harding and Robert Hepworth have been in the "Stamp Business" for a very long time, having started their careers with Stanley Gibbons Ltd. when it was at its zenith in the early 1970s, and founded Scotia Philately Ltd in 1984.

They handled some of the greatest collections and stocks ever to come on the market during their time with Gibbons including the Maximus Great Britain collection, the Canman China collection, the fabulous Harry Nissen stock and the Marc Haas U.S.A. collection. Their long and wide-ranging experience of the market over a period of nearly forty years puts them in a strong position to help you with your collection or stamp investment portfolio, whether this be in building it up or in achieving the best selling price for you when you wish to sell it.

Since they set up Scotia Philately Ltd., many collectors have used their expertise and contacts to build up Gold Medal collections, and we have also sold many exceptional collections including the Gaston Berlemont Gold Medal collection of French Maritime Mail, the Erskine and Charless Hahn Gold Medal collections of Scots Local cancellations, the Kean Railway collection, the Schroeder Large Gold Medal French Postage Due collection, the Ito Gold Medal Great Britain collection, the "Devon" Imperial Russia collection, the Dr. M. Vermeer Gold Medal French Colonies collection, the "Stillwell" and "Spedding" collections of distinctive Maltese Cross cancellations, the "Paton" collection of Machine cancellations, the Stanley Bidmead collection of French Entry marks, the Roger Schnell  collection of the Isle of Man, the "Dawson" Tibet collection, the Alastair Shaw collection of West Africa stamps and postal history, the Wang collection of Malayan States, the "Fife" collection of Hong Kong, the Alan Lacey collection of Germany, the Tyler collection of Maltese Cross cancels, the "JB" collection of Great Britain line-engraved issues, the Bryan Hunt collection of Jamaica and many more.


 Stamp-Investco.com specialises in rare and valuable stamps and stamp collections from China and Great Britain